Call for Submission: ICAS Book Prize for Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies

ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars) is extremely proud to welcome, together with organiser and sponsor the Society for Hong Kong Studies (SHKS), the newest addition to the ICAS Book Prize fmaily: the IBP for Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies

Deadline of submission: 1 February 2021



SHKS is a scholarly, non-partisan, and non-profit professional association open to all scholars and students interested in Hong Kong Studies. Formed in 2018, SHKS is an affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies ( and has more than 500 members worldwide from the social sciences and humanities. The mission of SHKS is to encourage the development of new theories, concepts, and methods for studying Hong Kong's multifaceted connects to and significance in the world, both contemporary and historical. It seeks to build a multi-national and inter-disciplinary scholarly community that connects Hong Kong Studies scholars in America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific.


Eligibilities and Procedures

Scholarly articles in any social science or humanity discipline are eligible as long as they take Hong Kong as the primary subject of inquiry. SHKS particularly welcomes article that place Hong Kong in global, comparative and theoretical perspectives.

  • All submissions must have been published in 2018 or 2019 or 2020.
  • Only peer-reviewed journal articles are eligible.
  • Publications must be written in English
  • Entries will be assessed for their originality, significance, and intellectual rigor.
  • Deadline of submission: 1 February 2021


Submit your article

The details of articles can be submitted by authors here (first create an account and login here)

After submitting the detail, please email your article to



The winner of the IBP for Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies will receive a prize money in the amount of €1250 and up to €1250 of travel subsidy for attending ICAS 12 in Kyoto (24-27 August 2021). 


Webpage of this event :

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