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一起抗戰口述歷史: 我是怎樣做口述歷史的

2010年,正當全國各地民間志願者對抗戰老兵的關愛如火如荼的時候,老兵也正在不斷離世。 每個歷史親歷者的離世,就意味著一段歷史的消逝,一個關愛抗戰老兵志願者將鏡頭對準了這群耄耋之年的老人。十幾年來,他耗盡積蓄並四處化緣,獨自一人跨越大江南北、飛越臺灣海峽、橫跨太平洋,用他的鏡頭和話筒,逆時間之流,記錄了137位平均年齡96歲的抗戰老兵,搶救了42000分鐘即將凋謝的記憶,讓更多的人可以有機會瞭解不一樣視角的歷史。 此次,這位堅持了將近14年的民間口述歷史記錄者,將為大家分享他記錄口述歷史的經歷和實際操作經驗。歡迎對口述歷史感興趣的朋友,一起交流探討

Chinese Migration Reconsidered: The Case of Nicaragua, 1880-1980

After the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) in the United States, a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment swept across the Americas. The Chinese diaspora coped with this challenging phenomenon in different ways. Some communities suffered a substantial loss of material wealth and legal rights. Extreme cases in the United States, Peru, and Mexico involved massacres of the Chinese, which made international headlines. However, some navigated the difficult times with much more success. One was the Chinese in Nicaragua, who took advantage of domestic and foreign assistance and successfully pushed the Nationalist Government in Nanjing to fight for their well-being on the other side of the world. Based on archival documents found in Managua and Taipei, this presentation will trace the origins, negotiations, and final agreements between China and Nicaragua that provided protection for the Chinese in Nicaragua in 1931, at a time when their compatriots elsewhere in Latin America experienced much more restrictive policies. The remarkable economic prosperity and political influence that the Chinese Nicaraguans enjoyed until 1979 suggest an alternative narrative to the story of global Chinese migration. The Nicaraguan case might also give us insights into how a combination of Chinese initiatives and international forces could challenge a pervasively hostile environment. READ MORE...

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